stages of life

Understanding Spiritual Seasons

The very first time someone told me that the situation I was going through was “just a season,” I was convinced they had no clue! How could what I was feeling be just a season? The more I sought God and grew in spiritual maturity, I came to realize that they were right - that season had been "just a season." What if we approached life from a perspective of understanding that each season would teach us lessons on strength, endurance, growth, faith, and trust? Would we conduct ourselves differently?

That “thing” you are currently facing whether it is struggles in your marriage, friendships, or relationships with kids, I'm here to tell you that it is just a season. The question is, how do we navigate those seasons?

First we need a road map. We need to understand what is happening during a spiritual fall, winter, spring, and summer. Once we have a clear understanding of the spiritual seasons, we are then equipped to handle whatever life throws our way.

God provides examples in the natural to help us understand our spiritual seasons. Our spiritual seasons typically mirror what we see in nature, however the timing of nature's seasons, when we go through our particular seasons and the length of our seasons don't always match.

Spiritual Fall

If you look at nature this is typically a time of things falling away. This is when we see the temperature and leaves begin to change, which is how we know that fall is coming. Maybe God is calling some things to fall away in your life. What is He calling you to let go of?

Nature provides a great example of how this should look in our life. Often times we want to hold on and not let go of things that could potentially cause problems in our next season. Spiritual fall is a good time for you to grow your trust in God.

Spiritual Winter

In the natural, when we think of winter we think of rest. This is typically a time when things are not growing or blooming outside. Animals are hibernating (resting), and if we are smart we should take a cue from nature when God calls us into a spiritual winter.

We shouldn't resist the rest. Rather, we should welcome the opportunity to recharge! This is a good time to really hear from God on direction and next steps. Pray and journal during this season. Ideas typically will abound if you are getting proper rest during a spiritual winter.

You may feel restless or unsure because it’s not the time to harvest or take action on the ideas, however you can be strategic about planning and getting yourself set up for a bountiful spring. Take him up on His graciousness and rest in Him.

Spiritual Spring

We all love the fresh feelings spring brings! There is just this new zest for life and an unstoppable feeling when we are in a spiritual spring. This is the time that we are planting those ideas that may have come to us during our winter and beginning to see the early stages of blossoms and warmth as our ideas begin to bloom, through our relationships and connections. We are seeing God work on our behalf in our spiritual spring. This is a season that we typically don’t have a hard time trusting Him.

Spiritual Summer

Who doesn't love summer? This is a time in the natural that we typically mix work with play. I recently read an article that pointed out the contrast of the heat and coolness you experience during the summer. So although we are still diligently working, we should also be taking breaks so that we don’t overheat.

How does this apply spiritually? This is the time to reap what you planted during your spiritual spring. It’s a time to continue to work, while making sure to build refreshment and relaxation in as well.

This is also a time for us to get rid those “weeds" that may want to pop up and get us distracted. If we limit our distractions, a spiritual summer can be very good to us.

I hope this helps you pinpoint what spiritual season you are currently in. I know that once I had a clear understanding of spiritual seasons I was able to give myself grace in each new season that God carried me through. I was also able to trust Him more and increase my faith as I saw Him work on my behalf in each season.

How do you handle your spiritual fall and winters? How can you begin to trust God more during a spiritual winter or fall?

I would love for you to come connect with me and other wives and moms who are looking to build community, grow in grace and support each other through each season in the Guilt-Free Girlfriends Group over on Facebook! So, come join us - it's free!

What if we approached life from a perspective of understanding that each season would teach us lessons on strength, endurance, growth, faith, and trust? Once we have a clear understanding of the spiritual seasons, we are then equipped to handle whatever life throws our way.