
3 Things You Need to Carry You Through the Holiday Season

In a perfect world what would your Thanksgiving and Christmas holidays look like to you?

Would you be surrounded by extended family or maybe just your immediate family?

Would you choose to go on an adventure with just friends?

Or would you choose a quiet low key option where you take in rest, and maybe spend some time serving the less fortunate?

Whatever you choose this holiday season there are 3 things you need to carry into every situation you encounter. Are you ready to be equipped? Wouldn't it be great if this season you walked away feeling completely full, both literally and figuratively? Here are the top 3 things that will allow for you to have the best time spent no matter who you are with or what you are doing!

Managed Expectations

Oftentimes we walk into our relationships ill-prepared. It's natural to think that everyone thinks the way we do, which can sometimes get us into situations where we are expecting things from both family and friends that they are not able to give.

Before you go to that next gathering be sure that you have managed your expectations. This looks like giving grace to loved ones (people can't read our minds.) It also looks like having a bit of extra patience (we are all doing the best we can!)

Most importantly - have compassion, and remember that family gatherings are not supposed to be torture. They are supposed to be fun! So, however you need to change your perspective so you can be a part of that fun, do it - you will be so glad you did!


What would your time spent with family and friends look like if you always remembered to come from a place of love? We need to remember this holiday season that love is an action word. Is there one person at your holiday gathering that you typically have a hard time loving? We all have those feelings at some point or another, but this holiday season why not make an effort to show that person love?

Maybe you can prepare something for them or just make an effort to engage in conversation that you normally would not with them. If they happen to be the host of your holiday celebration, bring a small token of appreciation. Love always prevails and it always wins (even when we can't see it!)


Recently in my daily devotion time I read a definition of peace that just made me want to shout! I often find myself telling people to follow peace. But, what does that actually look like? Here is how Priscilla Shirer defines peace in her book Fervent:

Peace is the deep, inner, eternal stability the believer possesses by virtue of relationship with Jesus, a sense of balance that's not subject to external circumstance. It's also the quality that enables us to live harmoniously with others.

Our goal should always be to live harmoniously with others! It does not mean it will always be easy, but with prayer and seeking to understand rather than to be understood, you and I will be off to a great start!

Remember that, as you prepare for your gatherings and celebrations this time of year, you have the power to be the light. Embrace your family and friends, think of new games to play, create those traditions and most importantly - enjoy each other and have fun! We are all working to build our legacies, so choose to build one with love!

I would love to hear from you. How will you be spending your holidays this year? What are some of the traditions that you are looking forward to being a part of? How do you celebrate? Do you play games, carol, or bake together? Feel free to share in the comments below!

The holidays can sometimes be stressful or overwhelming - especially when encountering challenging relational dynamics. These 3 things will help you make it through! |
The holidays can sometimes be stressful or overwhelming - especially when encountering challenging relational dynamics. These 3 things will help you make it through! |