5 Steps for a Smooth Transition

Every season of life comes with transition. From school graduations, to getting that first job, from single to married, or becoming a parent.  The types of transitions that take place in a life time go on and on. How we navigate our life transitions, will either have positive or negative impacts on our lives. Whether the transition is something that you are looking forward to, or it is something that you need to get use to, we must all learn how to cross into our next season of life still standing. Below you will find 5 steps that I use in my own life when navigating times of transition.  God's word promises us that "The LORD himself goes before you and will be with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged." Deut 31:8 With that awesome promise we can hold our heads up high and trust that even during the times of stretching in our lives we will be victorious!

5 Steps for a Smooth Transition

  1. Acknowledge the Change: This is so important, often times we find ourselves in the midst of transition and we don't know what to do. I have found in those times that I actively acknowledge that change is coming my way, I do better. The reason being, when I acknowledge what is before me - I begin to prepare what I can do on my end to walk through my transition with grace.
  2. Don't be Afraid: Remember that bible verse you read a few moments ago? God always sends provision for the vision. Even if it feels scary or difficult rest in Him and trust that he will see you through!
  3. Create a Plan: You know that saying "He who fails to plan is planning to fail." -Winston Churchill, it's true. You must have a plan when you are going through a transition. Having a plan will help on those days where you feel alone, discouraged, and frustrated. During those times, doing the next thing whether big or small will build your confidence and help you get to your next step.
  4. Learn as much as you can: Typically times of transition are times for learning. What is God trying to teach you? What is He showing you during this time? If you don't journal, this would be a good time to start!
  5. Keep Moving Forward: Sometimes when we are in a season of transition we can get stuck because it all seems so overwhelming. Trust me I know (remember I've got 4 kids 8 and under), but you still have to keep moving. Get help if you need it. Pray. Surround yourself with a community of family and friends that can hold you accountable and help propel you forward. Most important know and believe that you can do it!

Do you have different steps than the ones I use? Leave them in the comments below after all sharing is caring!